Topband: Topband Digest, Vol 237, Issue 2

Chester Latawiec chetlat at
Tue Sep 6 13:35:15 EDT 2022

Looking for 6L6s to rebuild a Collins 32-G transmitter.  It uses 8 or 9 6L6s!!

From: Topband < at> on behalf of topband-request at <topband-request at>
Sent: September 6, 2022 12:00 PM
To: topband at <topband at>
Subject: Topband Digest, Vol 237, Issue 2

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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Topband Digest, Vol 237, Issue 1 (Tech Noid)

On Mon, Sep 5, 2022 at 10:00 AM <topband-request at> wrote:

> Send Topband mailing list submissions to
>         topband at
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
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> You can reach the person managing the list at
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> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Topband digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>    1. excess vacuum tubes available (William Cromwell)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2022 10:18:35 -0400
> From: William Cromwell <wrcromwell at>
> To: Topband <topband at>
> Subject: Topband: excess vacuum tubes available
> Message-ID: <92b85fde-26c1-99fb-14b1-9ed2f8fecc5e at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
> Hi,
> Over time I have accumulated quite a few vacuum tubes. I have many more
> than I expect to ever use. I am going through all of them and updating
> my inventory database. I am doing that with an eye to moving most of
> them out of here. I am inviting other list members to evaluate what they
> might need for spares in their gear and for their projects. I need a few
> for my own gear and I do have some realistic plans for new construction.
> At this time I have sorted and counted 340 miniature 7 & 9 pin vacuum
> tubes. There are multiples of some types and ones or twos of others. I
> am claiming that all of them are used even though I know that some of
> them are new and unused. I have long since lost track of which are new
> but most of them are used.
> I have not yet updated my inventory of octal, loctal, and older tubes. I
> don't think I have any exotic, gold plated, or cryogenically treated
> tubes. I thought I would like to make enough money through tube sales to
> retire but it is too late for that. I am already retired :)? Probably
> something more like postage and a cup of coffee. I will be doing the
> rest of them next. Meanwhile I invite list members to evaluate their
> practical needs and send me *PRIVATE EMAIL* with your needs list.
> I can use some 6D6 and 41 tubes to keep my RAK going. Trades?
> 73,
> Bill? KU8H
> --
> bark less - wag more

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