Topband: Working 'long' distances on 160m

Roger Kennedy roger at
Sun Sep 25 08:22:24 EDT 2022

I get what you're saying Steve . . .

But to me, anything over 2,000 miles I consider DX on 160m . . . considering
most stations on Top Band struggle to work stations 1,000 miles away.

So I still consider it an achievement to work 'Across the Pond' on Top Band,
which is why it still gives me a buzz!

But I get what you're saying . . . where you are in Australia, a similar
distance is still in the same country . . . as it is for most Americans.
Whereas working across to a different continent seems more of an
achievement, psychologically at least.

What I HAVE noticed over the many decades I've been DX-ing on 160m, is that
if you can work Across the Pond from England well on Top Band, you can
pretty much guarantee to work anywhere in the world. (that's pretty much
been my experience, anyway)

And as you know - in my case, that has always been with a Dipole antenna!

When would be a good time to work you Steve?

Roger G3YRO

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