Topband: K9AY minimum spacing from TX

James Wolf jbwolf at
Thu Dec 7 15:12:36 EST 2023

I believe that it greatly depends on if the tower is closely resonant to 160
meters.  In my case, the K9AY array is about 150 ft. from the tower.  I
tried detuning my tower and even though the tower is shunt fed with an Omega
network, it made no difference.  Yet at K9UWA and KD9SV and others, it made
a significant difference.  So, don't assume anything until you do what you
can to detune anything that might interfere.  
At KD9SV, pine trees to the NE about 100 ft away corrupted the pattern quite
a bit with the Hi-Z 4 square receive system.

>>> How far should a K9AY be spaced from resonant antenna? I presume there
is no impact from nearby trees.

Jim - KR9U

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