Topband: RFI tripping GFI breaker on 160m

Dave Cuthbert telegrapher9 at
Wed Jan 4 09:00:11 EST 2023

Are the offending GFCI circuit breakers Eaton brand? They are known to trip
from HF transmissions and it is reported that Eaton will supply "HAM"
circuit breakers at no cost. I can post  Eaton contact info. Some people
have simply replaced the offending GFCI with standard circuit breakers.

73, Dave KH6AQ

On Tue, Jan 3, 2023 at 4:56 PM <john at> wrote:

> GFI breakers can be finicky. If a GFI is really needed try a different
> brand
> breaker.
> John KK9A
> AB2E wrote:
> I trip a GFI breaker sometimes on 160m, usually in a contest 1500W.
> Never had a problem when GFI outlets were the norm, but I had some
> electrical work done in an added
>  room and the new code calls for a GFI breaker.
> Has anyone had a similar experience and located an RFI resistant GFI
> breaker?
> 73 and HNY,
> Darrell AB2E
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