Topband: 1940 kHz Intruder

A J iamfromcanadaalso at
Thu Jan 5 11:26:32 EST 2023

Hi All

It sounds like two station are there possibly more.

I heard a frequency 1610khz  said.

No directional antenna to the south east. Just North and NE nothing 
heard on those. It is heard on the inverted V at varying levels.

The info draws a picture. See link below.


On 1/5/23 00:09, Frank W3LPL wrote:
> Hi Jim,
> No one has yet reported a strong enough signal to be sure if its a mixing
> product or a harmonic.  Because everyone -- so far -- is reporting a weak
> signal I suspect its a mixing product.  Two reporters said that the audio
> is badly distorted and appears to carrying two programs.
> The signal it too weak here for me to analyze.
> It appears to radiate from the vicinity on northern NJ, NY City or
> southern NY
> Perhaps a Topbander is that vicinity will report a stronger signal
> 73
> Frank
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "K9YC" <jim at>
> To: "topband" <topband at>
> Sent: Thursday, January 5, 2023 4:48:50 AM
> Subject: Re: Topband: 1940 kHz Intruder
> I'm much too far away to hear anything, but the obvious question is, "is
> it a harmonic or a mix?"  So is anyone hearing it loud enough to tell if
> there are two programs or only one?
> 73, Jim K9YC
> On 1/4/2023 7:04 PM, samjos at wrote:
>> >From NE PA FN11VF bearing is roughly NNE. Too distorted to make out.
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