Topband: Bugs

Mark Lunday wd4elg at
Thu Jul 6 18:41:21 EDT 2023


I have not heard that term in a very long time.

Interesting article on "banana boat swing"

Mark Lunday
wd4elg at
From: Topband < at> on behalf of Stephen Hawkins <ng0g at>
Sent: Thursday, July 6, 2023 5:40 PM
To: topband at <topband at>
Subject: Re: Topband: Bugs

All this talk about Bugs caused a phrase submerged deep in my brain to
come quietly to the surface.  50+ years ago I was a Navy Radioman.
However I was a Radioman on a Submarine. In 2.5 years I maybe sent 5
messages as we were almost always on radio silence.  We could
occasionally  listen for other then official traffic.  I would sometimes
listen to commercial ship to shore traffic from Merchant ships.  If
memory servers me correctly Merchant radio officers back then were
required to use a Bug.  A few of them had what my Chief Radioman called,
a "Banana Boat Swing".  Music once you got used to it. Boy that was 50
years ago and I have not thought of that term, or heard it used in a
very, very long time.

Steve NG0G

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