Topband: Stew Perry Topband Challenge

Tree tree at
Mon Jun 19 10:10:16 EDT 2023

This summer stew was interesting from Oregon. The band was surprisingly
quiet - especially in the morning.

Sunset was at 0405 UTC.  I could hear a handful of stations to the East
just before sunset, but none of them could hear me.  W9RE was the first
station other than "locals" at 0402.  I didn't realize he was running low
power.  Typically the QSOs started with me calling a few times and I would
get a question mark, then eventually they would piece my call together.
KZ5D had a good signal, but got away before I could work him.

However, this was pretty late on the East Coast and many stations were
going QRT.  I heard perhaps a dozen stations that could not hear me before
they went QRT and I never heard them again.

Around 0530 UTC, I sensed that EVERYONE out East had gone to bed,  The band
was empty and there really were very few USA West Coast stations active.
This felt like a good time to get a few hours sleep.  I got back on the
band at 0841 and worked a handful of East Coast stations near their sunrise
(K3UL, KM1R, AA1K, K9WX, WT9Q, N3BB) and that was it. But for summertime,
it was much better than nothing.

After 1004 UTC, I only worked stations on the West Coast - or DX to the
West.  JA3YBK showed up with a good signal working the AA contest.  They
called me and we had some difficulty getting the exchanges worked out as
they were looking for my age and I was looking for their grid square.  They
thought I was 85 years old for a minute or two.  They were a beacon on the
band until my sunrise.  JA9FHB called in with a grid square which was very

Then VK3QB started calling CQ DX around 1110 UTC.  KL7KY and I were
answering him, but he couldn't hear either one of us.  Eventually,
conditions improved and I was able to get his attention. Took some work to
get him to send a grid square however.  After almost a half hour of nothing
in the log - VK3HJ shows up with a pretty good signal for my second VK
QSO.  They are worth 26 and 27 points.  I watched HJ and QB work each other
on my bandscope. They both had good signals and for a while, VK3QB had a
steady signal up to my sunrise.

I had worked Phil, VK6GX in the Spring Stew and was keeping an ear out for
him and he finally called me at 1202 UTC foor my last QSO.  Turns out, I
was his only QSO.  A nice 30 point adder to the score.  Finally pulled the
plug around 1225 UTC and went back to bed.

This actually was a pretty good result for me in the Summer Stew.  I am
pleased to see how many times K7RAT shows up in the listing as the best
DX.  It really felt like I was in my own world as there were very few other
stations from the West Coast - especially in the morning.  I installed my
new phasing box for the HiZ array (a single box instead of the two that I
had before) and it seemed to work very well.  Was using diversity the whole
time with the HiZ in one each and a Beverage in the other (either pointing
N/S or East or West).  The K4D continues to be very easy on the ears.

Great to hear all of the activity.  Hope to see everyone in October.

73 Tree N6TR / K7RAT

On Mon, Jun 19, 2023 at 6:45 AM Charles Morrison <
charles.morrison.n1rr at> wrote:

> Hi QRN due to nearby storms.
> TF4VQ & DR5X only.
> I was QRT by 0215Z.
> -Charlie N1RR
> On Mon, Jun 19, 2023 at 5:14 AM Roger Kennedy <
> roger at>
> wrote:
> >
> > Well I don't know how others got on . . .
> >
> > But I didn't hear one single North American station on Saturday night !
> >
> > Roger G3YRO
> >
> >
> > _________________
> > Searchable Archives: - Topband
> > Reflector
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> --
> -Charlie N1RR
> 401-742-7240 <(401)%20742-7240>  8AM - 9PM
> *E-mail*: n1rr at
> *Website*:
> *Youtube channel*: NovemberOne RomeoRomeo
> _________________
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