Topband: KH8 from Manu-a -- Update

Eduardo Araujo er_araujo at
Thu Nov 2 13:23:10 EDT 2023

 George, I hope you can get to reach the shore safely!!!
I need KH8 on CW, Which call would you be using? KH8/ your call?
Good luck with the attempt.... Eddie, LU2DKT 
    On Thursday, November 2, 2023 at 03:05:16 AM GMT-3, GEORGE WALLNER <aa7jv at> wrote:  
 We have dropped anchor at Manu-a this afternoon. We tried to get to the 
beach in the tender, but it was way too rocky and we could not even get 
close to the beach. I have swam out to the shore and have scouted out a 
channel that we will attempt tomorrow morning at high tide. Fingers crossed.
The location has a 1200' almost vertical mountain-side to the S, SE and SW. 
Open to the NE, N and NW.

(Google maps -14.164769 -169.621227.) I hope that a skewed path opening will 
get me to  W EU just after my SS, starting around 0530 Z. And then E EU 
maybe around my SR at 1630 Z.
I will post if we make is ashore in one piece and get the radio working.
You never know....
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