Topband: 4W8X - top band

Wes Stewart n7ws at
Sat Nov 11 17:00:09 EST 2023

 I was copying you Q4-Q5 and calling yesterday near my sunrise (~13:50Z)  Unfortunately, all of Japan seemed to be calling too.  I could see their pileup on my bandscope.
But I had to do a family errand and had to QRT at that good time.  This morning (my time) I had no copy.
Your excellent operators have been very good about halting the JA runs and listening for NA on the HF bands.  Please consider it on160.  I will continue to look for you near my SR and will call up 1 - 2.

73, Wes  N7WS

    On Saturday, November 11, 2023 at 08:33:49 AM MST, Emir Memic <emir.memic at> wrote:  
 Hi topbanders

4W8X is running full on 160m
TX antenna is titanex with 50 radials very close to see which sems to performing very well

All bev are up, unfortunately they have some noise on them ... searching for the source in moment.

DL3DXX who is doing mostly 160m CW is aware that he had good signal and some RX issues, NA Bev (S6-7 noise level)
In moment they have as well many callers from JA´s and now twith JA bev he think they can be worked much faster.
There will be later easier to work other week signals

Also condx every they are different, he said....still trying to figure some patterns.

They will be there every night trying to focus on NA and EU also SA as much as possible!

Also of he calls 3UP or Dwn feel free to call a bit of freq he is permanently tunning around.
Calling zero beat doesn´t help much

De E77DX

Emir Memic
EMS Solutions
Koehlergasse 12/3
1180 Vienna

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