Topband: GM from Timor Leste

Raymond Benny rayn6vr at
Sat Nov 18 16:20:55 EST 2023

I've been licensed for 63 years, I'm on the top of the DXCC and IOTA lists.
I have done contesting for most of my life but now burnt out.

I have lately turned to FT8 as a new challenge and for something to do with
my well built station. I do agree that FT8 is not a big challenge to
operate, but there are techniques to learn to work difficult DX. I'm at 278
DXCC entites. While there are other modes to work, FT8 is my current choice.

Currently, with N6VR, I do not need 4W on any band. But, using W7YA on FT8,
I do need 4W on on several bands, including 160m.

This earily morning at 1135z (4:30am) local time I was seeing 4W8X on 160m
FT8 at -20. The station was decoded for a few working Asia There were
several of us NA stations calling. Within 10 minutes the station went QRT.

At 1200z, 4W8X was spotted on 1.826. I listened on and off for the next 30
minutes but heard nothing.

To me, on one mode there was a possibly of a QSO, but the another mode,
none. I went to bed at 1300z to get a bit more sleep.

This is my opinion, but I know, others may disagree.


On Tue, Nov 14, 2023, 2:22 PM Jim Brown <jim at> wrote:

> On 11/14/2023 1:02 PM, n4is at wrote:
> > I live  in a city lot and worked 305 on 160m, starting 2006,  and I
> > hear 316 countries, Doug NX4D lives in a 1/5 acre and worked 314 on
> > 160m, starting 2003.
> > We have no beverage antennas!
> > People only see what they want to see!
> Everyone's antenna limitations are different. I have no place where I
> could rotate an RX antenna like yours, or rig any of the RX arrays.
> Neither could Garry. We both live in very dense redwood forests. It's
> also a LOT easier to work a lot of countries on 160M from anywhere
> around the Atlantic basin than it is from anywhere in North America
> around the Pacific. It's like running home from third base and thinking
> you've hit a home run.
> 73, Jim K9YC
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