Topband: Timor Leste report #6

Dietmar Kasper dl3dxx at
Sun Nov 19 16:25:46 EST 2023

GM topbanders
here the daily report. This was the night with the poorest propagation so far.
10 hours listening into the noise for 102 QSOs, however glad that I made it over 100.
No east coast again but ZF9CW called at his sunrise and W4EF (Calif) were worked.
Long periods of CQ without any QSO. After 13z wkd AA5C and AA0RS followed by some
W6 VE5 and VE6, also 2 KL7s were worked the 3rd one got lost in the QRM.
We again had a noisy night with thunderstorm crashes all evening long.
After 15z the band closed completely with no signal for the next 4 hours.
We now have worked over 1000 JA QSOs on topband, so the chance that a new JA calls
is low. At 19:30 the band opened slowly with aurora sound to northern Germany, OH,
LA, OZ, SM, YL - all around the baltic coast but pretty weak in the noise.
Also 2 G stations were worked and oneON, but again no France or even further.
A lucky YT3C called in for the first Serbian station and an IV3 however he made it.
It is strange, that there is no propagation to southern Europe most nights.
Still waiting for propagation change to give a fair chance to everybody.
Whatever happened this morning, sun and magnetic field probably influenced it.
I got request to stay longer after sunrise to give a chance to the North east
corner of US but DXAtlas shows that this path is almost impossible at this phase
of sun activity, even more as beverages to South west is full of QRM.
We had a power cut in the night for 5 minutes and I checked all beverages and
all were pretty clean for a moment but then the power came back.
We have our own power station to run radios and amps, so this test was possible.
Have to live with QRM and QRN and make the best of it

For all who are still trying there is a new chance tomorrow night
73 Dietmar DL3DXX

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