Topband: Timor Leste report #7

Dietmar Kasper dl3dxx at
Mon Nov 20 16:25:32 EST 2023

GM topbanders
Last night I thought it was the most worst night of the DXped but this night topped it.
Made only about 30 CW QSOs and OE2VEL worked a few in FT8 but mostly stations we already
had worked in CW.
Actually the night started good with two times VE7 and W6 just after sunset, sorry was
few minutes late to work KP4AA because dinner came too late. Worked N4WW with good
signal but later signals dropped down.
I see it when VE6WZ skimmer signal strength falls below 10dB it is pretty hard to hear
anybody here in the tropic noise.
Complete night we had terrible QRN from nearby thunderstorm causing s9 crashes all the
time. There was almost no sunrise peak so all the callers remained in the noise.
It only can become better. Still some time to continue
73 Dietmar DL3DXX

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