Topband: Timor Leste report #8

Dietmar Kasper dl3dxx at
Wed Nov 22 16:43:28 EST 2023

GM topbanders
propagation was not good. No US on CW but terrible crashes from thunderstorms between Singapore and Tarawa.
The complete north was a thunderstorm, just see
Took my free time what actually was adicted to sleep to improve US beverage. It was extended in length
and converted into a two wire beverage also to cover backside to Indian Ocean.

Had to pay the price for extra sunshine and had to take some sleep in the evening, so missed the US time.
As soon as I was away the station was hijacked by the FT-lovers to play their computer games.
Spots show that computer cannot work US better as humans during thunderstorm crashes, so most contacts
were loud JAs and US stations we already worked in CW.

I feel like the last person on earth fighting for the CW mode on topband. However FT lovers
were not seen when it came to put out the beverages, look for the noise source near the property or
to reconstruct the beverages far away during hours and hours of hard labour.
Originally it was planned to have another 160m antenna on second location but nobody wanted to do the
work - is is so much easier to take over a good working CW station when the lonely after many nights
tired person is away for a while.

Band was closed most parts of the night but a few loud JAs (mostly dupes) called in. At sunrise
we had a short opening starting with G4AMT followed by I3, ON, EI, DL, HB9 and then the sun was
up and the band was dead again. These are the moments I like so much to do the real top band DX
what you can hear and feel - and good to know lot of the person behind the call.
Artificial intelligence just clicks the contact and goes ahead - obviously our future :-)

OK - lets bring this DXpedition to an end and this will be my last entry in this group or in
any other group mostly addicted to the FT modes.
73 Dietmar DL3DXX

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