Topband: Timor Leste report #10

Dietmar Kasper dl3dxx at
Wed Nov 29 22:39:54 EST 2023

Dear Topbanders
90% of the equipment is in the container. We still have 2 1/2 stations running (one without amp in phone only)
the 160m antennas and beverages are still up and some simple wire verticals have been added to continue beeing
QRV the next days and nights.

It seems we are in rain season now. No afternoon without close thunderstorms and all the noise on the bands.
Propagation is still poor however last night was a short window around 12:30 to work a few lucky W4´s.

In the thunderstorm noise call sign logging is guessing. I am sure that I am not almost right with the call.
I called a W4 for about 5 minutes and thought it was K4SV. At the end I was logging K4SV but I had the feeling
that this station was not happy with that call and I may have it wrong ... as much as you can hear in the crashes...
(QSO interpretation later)

When it comes to the question if a QSO is a QSO or not there is no unique standard. Thanks to all for discussing
the question about FT contacts that must be initiated by an operator. I feel that the discussion is still open
and a solution accepted by the majority of topbanders is not there so far. It was clearly indicated that the
station must be observed during the contacts so automated contacts do not count for DXCC. Still open is if the
contacts must be initiated by the operator or just by software. Some said it is OK that the operator is still
watching that everything goes well. In my opinion an operator (and ARRL clearly uses the word OPERATOR) is only
an operator if HE OPERATES, means, a visitor cannot be an operator by just watching the traffic.
So my personal conclusion is that every contact MUST BE INITIATED by an operator MANUALLY - like in old days
before MSHV software. I have the feeling that this cn start a revolution in DXpeditions of today because 
I FEEL AND KNOW that most DXpeds are running FT contacts unintended and uninitiated however nobody has prove of
it as long as the DXped guys state that they are work in strict order of DXCC rules - do they ? what do you think :-) ?

Also in CW mode its interesting to define if a QSO is a QSO. A QSO is not just happen that one operator calls
and the DXped picks him up and give him a report. Station must hear that the call was given correct and the report
is for him and he has to answer without delay. Even then QSO is not sure as long as both partners have not confirmed
the contact by TU. Very often on topband QSB has prevented a QSO to finish.

However this is a hobby and rules give room for interpretation. One station told me that I worked him 3 times
but logged his call wrong so he does not define this contacts as good. He wrote: "at the 3rd time you came close
to my call but it still was wrong so I continue trying next nights". This is a pretty high QSO standard!

I am not so strict. I know that under this hard QRN situation call errors happen and I will have contacts wrong for sure.
I still log it even I know it may be wrong but there is no penalty in DXpedition compared to a contest
If a station gives me proof that it was HIS CONTACT by telling me the wrong call, his call, the date+time and the
exact QRG he transmitted - we might correct his call sign, as long as the noted call in log is not requested by another
station. However his call must be close to the logged call, mostly wrong just by one letter.
I wonder if topband community agrees with me or not.
These are some "contacts once in a liftime" so I do not want to make it harder as neccessary.

Long writing, sorry for that. I hope it is still interesting for you readers. Topband is a very serious part of the
hobby and who else as the topbanders should define the standards of a GOOD QSO.
I do not want to create confrontation and bad discussions but I think its essential to think about QSO rules for us.

more to follow
73 Dietmar

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