Topband: What is a valid CW contact

Ron Spencer ron.spencer at
Thu Nov 30 13:04:26 EST 2023

I've never been DX (well, USVI but that's not rare nor hard to get to) so can't give a perspective from that viewpoint. 

My thinking is this: you either got my call 100% right, or you didn't. Same standard as in a contest. If you logged something other than my call, then I didn't have a valid Q with you.

With real time streaming and DXpedition logs uploaded either almost real time or within hours (when available) it is quite easy to tell if the Q was valid (i.e. am I in the log?). If not, well, try again.

These are my views and mine alone. Not suggesting anyone alter their views. And I'm writing this from the comfort of my home shack with a solid roof over my head, electricity on demand, bathroom down the hall, comfy bed and a nicely stocked refrigerator 



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