Topband: What is a valid CW contact

Tim Shoppa tshoppa at
Thu Nov 30 13:52:44 EST 2023

When you're trying to work a DXpedition outside a contest, I see no problem
with checking live log and working them again until they get your call

Things are different in a contest. I don't think contesters should be
checking live logs. Quoting some rules:
CQ 160: "Do not arrange or confirm QSOs by any other means than the use of
the 160-meter band and the same mode as used in the contest."
ARRL 160: PROH 3: "Arranging, soliciting, or confirming any contacts during
or after the contest by use of any nonamateur radio means."

In contest logchecking you won't lose contest credit for the Q/mult if the
other guy obviously busted your call (off by one letter, dropped letter,
etc.) That doesn't help you get DXCC credit via LOTW though which does
insist on a perfect match!

Tim N3QE

On Thu, Nov 30, 2023 at 1:04 PM Ron Spencer via Topband <
topband at> wrote:

> I've never been DX (well, USVI but that's not rare nor hard to get to) so
> can't give a perspective from that viewpoint.
> My thinking is this: you either got my call 100% right, or you didn't.
> Same standard as in a contest. If you logged something other than my call,
> then I didn't have a valid Q with you.
> With real time streaming and DXpedition logs uploaded either almost real
> time or within hours (when available) it is quite easy to tell if the Q was
> valid (i.e. am I in the log?). If not, well, try again.
> These are my views and mine alone. Not suggesting anyone alter their
> views. And I'm writing this from the comfort of my home shack with a solid
> roof over my head, electricity on demand, bathroom down the hall, comfy bed
> and a nicely stocked refrigerator
> Ron
> N4XD
> Sent using
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