Topband: N5J (Jarvis) on 160 m

Mon Aug 5 17:18:02 EDT 2024

Hello Top-Banders,
The N5J DXpedition is planning to go QRV on Aug 7 (maybe 8th on 160 if there 
are WX issues).

While Aug is not the best time to work KH5 on TB, this is the only time we 
got. To make it easier to work us, here are some key points:
We will have only one station capable of 160 m (what we call Local 1). The 
time of the year and the cycle favor the high bands and there will be demand 
for Local 1 on other bands. Therefore the station will be on 160 only during 
certain times of the night: At our SS from 0600 to 0645 Z, for NA SR from 
0800 to 1000 and if conditions warrant, at our SR for a possible East. EU 
opening at 1600. (Otherwise 80 m.) After 1000 we will stay on 160 if traffic 
warrants, otherwise we will QSY to 80. These times will likely change as we 
gain experience with the conditions.
Note for NA stations: Don't wait for your SR. From about 1000 JA stations 
will start coming in with possibly strong signals. You will have a better 
chance before 1000 and that is why we will start early at 0800.
Most of you know this, but...: When you hear your correct callsign and 5NN, 
just reply with 5NN. Don't send your call because it will create 
uncertainty. Also, when calling, it is better to send you call twice, 
especially if conditions are poor and the pile-up is dense. Also, we are 
likely to have a lot of TS noise (you too, probably).
There is more information on our web-site:

GL and CU on TB!
PS: We will stay on 160 past 0645 if we have a continuous stream of EU 
callers :-)

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