Topband: The Stew Perry Contest is about to start-

Lew Sayre dr.biggun at
Fri Dec 27 21:16:14 EST 2024

Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen of the 160M Persuasion,
     The date has just turned over to Dec. 28, 2024 which means we are just
hours away from the starting gong for The Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge
sponsored by The Boring Amateur Radio Club.  If you have browsed on over
to     you have already perused the history,
starting time, Rule 6 and marveled at the number of plaques that are
available to the radio combatants sponsored by the Stalwarts of  Contesting
which are listed there.
     Medical studies have documented the fact that sending and receiving
just 1 hour of code during a contest, such as The Stew,  promotes an even
temper, increases longevity, fires up neural pathways that keep away brain
cell deterioration while calming the shakes and adds at least 5 points to
your IQ when you wake up after a nap the next day!   No Kidding!
    The Stew is a calm 160M CW contest for most Operators who simply enjoy
making QSOs with other 160M Ops around the world. There are also several
fevered Ops who will be working hard to win a plaque and the respect it
engenders so this contest is a great vehicle for all Ops in a contesting
environment. The point is- get on the air, because if you're reading this
you may very well have CW in your bloodstream and it must be expressed and
The Stew starting in a few hours, is an excellent way to do just that.
   if you haven't erected a 160M antenna yet, you're just about too late
for this year.  You can load just about any conducting medium with 160M
energy if you are resourceful, but ensure no one can touch the medium.
Which brings up electric vehicles. Please do not attempt to load EVs as it
is not good for the EV or the neighborhood when  conflagrations happen. The
rumor that an EV is a good 160M antenna is false and was started by an
internal combustion fanatic who should probably be incarcerated somewhere
for everyone's safety.
     So plot your Stew Perry Operation and figure out which 14 hours out of
the 24 you'll  operate in.  Or just tell your loved ones you'll need a few
hours to carefully install a Max Planck bridge in your radio area to keep
the electricity in the right sequence to keep your house safe through the
winter. Do what you need to do in order to get on and make some QSOs in The
Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge!
    See you in The Stew!   Thank you for your attention.
    73 and  I remain,
    Lew       w7ew
The Boring Amateur Radio Club, Committee Chairman for Information Ministry

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