Topband: Using 4 - 6 elevated radials in lieu of 120 buried wires

Joe nss at
Fri Jan 5 10:55:51 EST 2024

I beg to differ on the High Maintenance possibility.
I live in Southwest Wisconsin the Deer hunting capital of maybe the world.
There are deer in my yard every day.
We have wind storms,
We have Ice storms, Bad ones like take down professional broadcast tower 
Ice storms.

Yet my 40 meter 1/4 wave vertical has been up for 20+ years.
The base is up 10 feet,
The radials act as sloping guy wires. the ends only 2 feet above the 
ground. So prime Deer attack prey.
  It has yet to have issues from Deer or weather,
View from base looking up.

And view  during a 60 Mph+ storm.


On 1/5/2024 9:38 AM, Wes Stewart via Topband wrote:
>   Not me.  My radials are all on the ground and they are all appropriately shortened.
>      On Friday, January 5, 2024 at 08:05:47 AM MST, Jeff Blaine<keepwalking188 at>  wrote:
>   There is another practical issue here.  I would agree that elevated
> radials can work great.  But in practice, MAINTENANCE of the elevated
> radials is a non-ending headache.  Around here we have deer and ice and
> wind and on and on.  I ran various 40m 4SQ elevated radial schemes for
> years and eventually went to an in-ground installation because I was
> tired of the hassle.
> You are probably a far better mechanical and electrical hand than I am.
> But this maintenance aspect of elevated radials is something I don't
> think gets enough mention.
> 73/jeff/ac0c
> alpha-charlie-zero-charlie
> On 1/5/2024 8:42 AM, Wes Stewart via Topband wrote:
>> I was about to recommend Rudy's work.  He is a prolific experimenter and writer; reading his stuff will answer almost anything you ever what to know about vertical antennas, ground systems and receiving antennas.
>> I have a folder on my hard drive with 30-40 of his papers.
>>      On Friday, January 5, 2024 at 01:03:55 AM MST, Jim Brown<jim at>  wrote:
>> Some thoughts about that particular installation and why it worked well,
>> based on my study of Rudy Severns' excellent work on the topic.
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