Topband: Using 4 - 6 elevated radials in lieu of 120 buried wires
Mike Smith VE9AA
ve9aa at
Fri Jan 5 12:26:53 EST 2024
I have wire 4-squares on 80, 40 & 20. A 2-el on 160m <currently just 1-el>
and a VDA looking 4-square on 15m.
(still looking for a 10m 4-sq Comtek system someone might have collecting
My 80m and 40m ones work especially well. Because I have no really tall
trees, the 80m one is actually inverted L's and the best array I have (I
think) after comparing my 80m signal to others in the Maritimes and W1 after
every large CW contest using the RBN Analysis tools. OK, let's be honest, I
am not VY2ZM/K1LZ(insert other bigwig calls here) strong, but I do ok. All
the data is online for you to do your own analysis and come to your own
Except for the 15m VDA, the 80/40/20m ones all have 2 raised radials per
vertical element. Because STRENGTH against deer and falling branches means
as much to me as electrical quality, I use galvanized fence wire for the
raised radials, but #12AWG R90 black stranded insulated copper for the
verticals. In 7yrs I have only repaired the verticals twice (maybe 3
times). Once for a broken rope and once/twice due to a falling tree. I
reinstall fallen raised radials every few months.95% of the time due to
falling branches. The other 5% are fights with big bucks or moose horns.
The radials are almost never broken.
Because of the lay of the land here, pretty much all my antennas are located
well away from the house (ie: no noise!) in a narrow strip of woods, on a
slant(one might call it a narrow ravine), over very rocky/unstable ground.
Most of the radials are around 6' above ground so the daily deer drive
doesn't get them.
Would 4-6 radials be better? Probably. (alas, just no room)
Would 120 radials on the ground per vertical be even better?
(Probably...can't do it. Walking is unsafe in this area)
I made lemonade. I like the taste of my lemonade.
I posted some initial results back mere days after I first got them all up
and running for those that like to read.
7+ yrs later on, I like them just as well as on day one.
Re: [TowerTalk] Wire 4-squares - they work ! (long) (GAIN?) (
These are 2 posts combined, read from the bottom up. Congrats if you get
through it all. Thank you if we've had a QSO.
Mike - Keswick Ridge, NB, Canada
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