Topband: Re - VK/ZLs in the CQWW CW 160?

Phil Hartwell vk6gx at
Tue Jan 30 03:10:41 EST 2024

G'day Topbanders,

Sad to say condx were abysmal, for the CQWW 160m CW contest, at least as 
far as VK6 to Asia and Stateside is concerned.Tree summed it up very well.

I listened from 1/2 hour before my SS at 1119z and throughout Saturday 
evening. There were plenty of extremely weak traces on the screen, but 
due to relatively low summertime QRN, I was able to establish they were 
all east Asian, but very much weaker than usual, I didn't hear a single 
stateside signal.

Sorry EU's, I did not operate prior to my Sunday SR, at 2135z (0535 
local),due to 160m news broadcast commitments at 2200z, but during the 
preparations, I heard plenty of EU's coming through at reasonable 
strength on 1848kHz.

Unfortunately, Kev, VK6LW and Steve, VK6VZ, were both out of action. So 
don't worry about your RX antennas, we weren't here.

73, Phil VK6GX and in contests, VL6M.

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