Topband: ZLs

Mark markzl3ab at
Tue Jan 30 14:09:51 EST 2024

Just a few observations from ZL...

Firstly there are very few ZLs on topband in any form.  In terms of CW ops
you could probably count them on one hand.  In 160m contests if there is
more than 1 or 2 on then that is a lot and you shouldn't be surprised if
there isn't any - which is normally the case in the big multi band

Also the timing of this "contest" (thanks to the scoring system it's really
more of an activity weekend in this neck of the woods) doesn't do us any
favours down here or in the southern hemisphere in general.

As Tree noted, it is the middle of summer here and the QRN can be
diabolical and of course we have a lot less hours of darkness.

With darkness such a big factor and the fact it is called a "world wide"
contest, I am surprised this contest isn't run around the equinoxes to
level the playing field, not to mention evening out the effect of QRN.

It is probably also worth noting that the second night is Sunday night here
so anyone working in the morning is not likely to be up late.


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