Topband: QRP on 160?

Mon Jul 1 20:19:38 EDT 2024

QRP on 160 is possible but you need a very good antenna, especially for DX. 
(It is still painful, though.)
On the TX3A Chesterfield DXpedition I worked a W7 on TB, good signal, no bid 
deal. About an hour later he called me again and I worked him again. Then 
another 30 minutes later I heard him calling. He was very weak but we 
completed the QSO. I was thinking, why all the dupes? Next day I saw his 
email: The first QSO was with 100 W. The second with 5 W and the third with 
700 mW! From New Mexico to Chesterfield! TX3A  had a good DHDL RX antenna 
pointing towards NA, which helped to keep down all the tropical noise. 
Still... The guy had a full size 4-SQ. Aha...

In a contest however, I think QRP is a bit unfair to the other guy. Except 
in the SP, other contests do not reward you for working a QRP. You do all 
the hard work of digging him out of the noise, needing many cycles to put 
together the call-sing -- dealing with all the people wanting to take the 
frequency -- just to complete a QSO that you get no extra points for.
But working DX on 160 with 5 W is a unique thrill. Well worth the effort. 
The trick is to wait until conditions are right. Otherwise, you will be 
wasting your time.


On Mon, 1 Jul 2024 10:57:15 -0700 Radio KH6O  wrote:
>Is anyone regularly using say, 25W or less on 160?
>Jeff KH6O / 6

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