Topband: Tower failure at VE6WZ

Mike Smith VE9AA ve9aa at
Mon Sep 2 11:38:19 EDT 2024



First, I am so glad that you're OK.  I always really enjoy reading your
reports and watching your youtube videos and having those occasional topband
QSO's with you and I will look forward to more.


I think I know ( almost ) EXACTLY how you feel.  I lost my last tower here @
VE9AA in the spring of 2010 and was so sickened by it, vowed never to have
another tower so now I'm 99% wire. (OK, I do have some low yagis on short
masts, but that's it)


Be safe out there and see you next time.




Mike VE9AA


Mike - Keswick Ridge, NB, Canada 


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