Topband: Tower failure at VE6WZ

Mike Fatchett W0MU w0mu at
Mon Sep 2 17:38:42 EDT 2024

I just installed an MA-550 and I wish I could lay the tower over from 
far away.  Just feels bad to be right there.  I have a motor to crank it 
up and I can stand quite a distance away.  I might make that distance 
further after this report.

Mike W0MU

On 9/2/2024 12:19 PM, Jim Brown wrote:
> On 9/2/2024 7:55 AM, VE6WZ_Steve wrote:
>> VE6WZ will be QRT from the HF bands above 160m.
> Thanks for the detailed report, Steve. Very sorry to hear of your 
> loss, but glad to see that you've come through it as well as you did, 
> the result of thinking fast and making the right decision!
> Your achievements with designing, building, and maintaining that great 
> station have been monumental. I have the greatest respect for it, far 
> more than those who roll into a station someone else has built, call 
> CQ, build contest scores, and pat themselves on the back. I also 
> greatly appreciate the extensive writing you have done about it. You 
> are an inspiration to us all, especially to the engineers among us!
> 73, Jim K9YC
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