Topband: Low 160m dple - trash or treasure?

Jim Brown jim at
Mon Jan 13 14:24:38 EST 2025

On 1/13/2025 6:44 AM, Mike Smith VE9AA wrote:
> Has anyone used a low 160m dipole at only 25'?

In Chicago, I end-fed a 80-40 dipole that had loading coils to cover the 
two bands, and that I had fed with some vintage KW twin-lead, using a 
wrought-iron fence that ran around the front of my lot. Running 100W, it 
worked 1,000 miles or so very well. Some time later, I learned that I'd 
fried the W2DU "balun" at the feedpoint, which was not designed for that 
application. :)

This was before I'd begun (or even conceived) my work on common mode 

73, Jim K9YC

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