Topband: CQ 160 CW

jon jones n0jk at
Sun Jan 26 11:38:10 EST 2025

I was watching 6 Meters for the predicted CME impact Saturday. It turned out to be a "no show." But the quiet geomagnetic conditions were favorable for the CQ 160 CW contest.

I had planned an antenna upgrade, but the winter storm a few weeks ago nixed that. So, the rain gutter was loaded up again to hand out a few contacts. Radio TS-850 about 50 watts.

People went into the log,  northeast to Maine (K1LZ), northwest to Oregon (K7RAT) and in between including N4XD. Thanks! ZF5T, a loud KP4AA and XE2X were the DX worked. HQ9Y was strong. Even copied JH4UYB. Overall, the band activity seemed lower than the ARRL 160. That actually helped me as less band QRM and smaller pileups on DX and rare multipliers.

Jon N0JK


> Ron
> N4XD
> Grid FM05

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