wind force design criteria
Sun, 4 Aug 1996 14:37:17 -0400
In a message dated 96-08-04 13:17:15 EDT, you write:
>Steve: a number of times I've seen references ON A COUNTY basis to
>wind force design criteria. do you know where I can obtain this info,
>hopefully on line? my old, old, old Rohn book only has a map of the
>US. I'm curious as to the design criteria for Cheshire country in the
>stick of NH.
Hi, Charlie --
It's listed in the EIA/TIA-222-E and F, the newest revision effective
June 1, 1996. I have copies and am happy to look them up for interested
folks. My plan is to get my Tower Tech web page up and running and
eventually have the info on-line as I don't think it exists anywhere else.
The pubs run $80.00 each so not everyone is inclined to have them in their
Cheshire County is a 75 MPH zone but is within 100 miles of hurricane
coastline and the values have been adjusted in accordance with ASCE 7-88 to
obtain 50-year recurrence intervals. In other words, check with you local
building department to see if you are subject to higher winds at your site.
BTW, 70 is the lowest value that the charts contain so your zone isn't too
bad except for the proximity to hurricane coastline.
73 and good luck, Steve K7LXC
TOWER TECH -- professional tower supplies and services for amateurs