Larry A. Crim
Sun, 4 Aug 1996 16:44:11 -0500 (CDT)
All I do is wear lots of loose-fitting clothes, including long-sleeve
shirts and long pants. I try to keep the most skin covered as possible.
I know it's hot, but its better than a dozen stings.
As as aside, I really dont' know why wasps just LOVE towers. Maybe some
insect expert can suggest some preemptive measures.
On Sun, 4 Aug 1996, Bill Fisher, KM9P wrote:
> So what do you guys do about wasps? I jumped off of a 30' tower yesterday
> and tore up my knee trying to get away from them.
> I took a can of wasp spray up the tower and killed them. In the process I
> got the spray all over myself. Operated the entire NAQP smelling like hell
> and choking on the fumes.
> Thanks
> Bill
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