Yaesu Rotors

Dave Raymond-CSUS04 Dave_Raymond-CSUS04@email.mot.com
Tue, 6 Aug 1996 15:36:00 -0500

     For whatever it's worth, N0AMI (Jim), located here in Des Moines 
     recently replaced his Tailtwister with a G1000SDX rotor.  The 
     tailtwister had finally failed after six years of turning the large 
     KLM Log Periodic (with the 40 meter kit).  This antenna is on a 42' 
     boom.  Ths antenna, however, is well below the maximum wind load 
     specified by Yaesu.
     We installed the G1000 with high hopes...we all thought the control 
     box was rather nifty but we questioned the very light weight of the 
     rotor itself.  Upon the 100th day of operation, the G1000 failed.  Jim 
     has a weather station at his qth and had recorded no winds over 50 
     mph.  We pulled out the new G1000 and replaced it with a spare 
     Tailtwister.  After we got down on the ground, we discovered the 
     problem.  When you shook the G1000, it sounded like there were scores 
     of loose pieces inside (probably bearings?).  We didn't dare open it 
     Sooo, based on that experience, I would think twice about using a 
     G1000 to turn any heavy loads or antennas with long booms.
     P.S.  The spare Tailtwister is still in place and working.