Using Rohn 65?
Dick Bodine
Tue, 13 Aug 1996 11:20:02 -0500 wrote:
> Scotty Neustadter <> writes:
If the gentleman desires to erect a 190 foot tower for ham radio use so
be it. However, if that tower is ultimately used for a comercial
purpose, as you alluded to, he may be in violation of the city zoning
ordinance (if zoned other than comercial) or the conditional use permit
he is attempting to obtain, and would be therefore be subject to a fine
if your city has that provision in it's ordinance. IMHO the penalty
should be sizable enough to deter him from trying to deceive the Board
of Adjustment and he should be required to remove the tower if it
violates the intent of the conditional use permit.
Hams use towers and antenna supports of all sizes and description so I
wouldn't suggest any legislation that would would regulate the type or
style of tower that may be erected.
I live in a hawk migration flyway and towers in our township are limited
to 100 feet. This was a result of a comercial venture to erect a 200
foot tower for celular phone service and the uproar the that was raised
by the local populous regarding hawk safety, but I suspect mainly
because of asthetics. BTW, the company capitulated and went with a 100
foot, unguyed, power pole.
Good luck, Dick
Dick Bodine Amateur Radio Call: WJ0M
Duluth, MN 55804