Wire Rope and Grips

K7LXC@aol.com K7LXC@aol.com
Fri, 23 Aug 1996 17:04:59 -0400

In a message dated 96-08-23 15:36:15 EDT, you write:
>Being new to the use of grips along with wire rope I thought I would 
>ask if there is a way to install the wire rope in the grips and not 
>have one or more of the strans showing on the outside.  After several 
>tries I can finally get the rope installed but I know I must be doing 
>something wrong.  Any Suggestions!!!  Also I was wondering just what 
>the two red bands on the grip are for?  I would suspect that they mark 
>the point were the wire rope is insterted into the grip.  I know these 
>are some very simple questions but the Rohn instructions do not say 
>very much on the use of the grip.
      Egad, another Steve Sawyer in our midst.  And both zeros.  

     Seriously, it sounds like you're talking about the Preform Big-Grip
cable terminations.  The colored marks on the grip has two functions: 1) it
indicates size (red is for 3/16) and 2) it marks the cross-over spot which is
where you start wrapping the legs around the cable.   The end of the cable of
interest should extend at least to the crossover marks.  If they are longer
and extend past the marks, it is of no consequence.  Wrap the first leg
(either one) at least 2 wraps around the cable.  Then wrap the second one
insuring that the wrap starts at the crossover mark.  Continue wrapping one
leg until it is about 3/4 done, then wrap the other leg to that point.
 Finish the short leg first, then the longer leg.  The grips are designed to
be installed by hand so you may need to bend the cable in order to seat the
ends.  Attach a black tie wrap or end sleeve to the end of the grip to
prevent it from unravelling.  Repeat as many times as necessary.

    The Preformed grips can be removed and reapplied twice if necessary to
readjust guy wires.  

73 and good luck,  Steve  K7LXC

    TOWER TECH -- professional tower supplies and services for amateurs