T2X repair

K7LXC@aol.com K7LXC@aol.com
Sat, 31 Aug 1996 10:56:04 -0400

In a message dated 96-08-29 13:08:06 EDT, you write:

>Hy-gain in Lincoln will do the rebuild for $95.00 (this includes 
>parts and labor).  That can be cheaper or more expenive that Norm or 
>Cats, based on parts.  Just curious about why you didn't give this as a 
>3rd option.  My experience has been good with them, but maybe your's 

Hi, Larry --

     As the past National Sales Manager Amateur Products for Hy-Gain, I am
intimately familiar with the Hy-Gain service.  Since the T2X mentioned was
still working, it may or may not need parts.  If no parts are required, then
the Hy-Gain service for regular PM is more expensive than CATS or Norms's.
 And, yes, I take advantage of the Hy-Gain flat fee service myself - it's the
best non-publicized deal in ham radio!

73,  Steve   K7LXC