Inquiry: Rohn 45 Foldover Tower vs Hazer on Rohn 45 Tower
Steve Sawyers n0yvy
Sun, 01 Dec 1996 08:10:31 -0600
I would go with the fold over vs the Hazer. Hazer requires you to drop
the guys to get the trolley to the ground.
Number 6 wire is not going to be good enough. I use 2/0 off the tower
and progress down to # 2 farther out in the ground field. You are mainly
after surface area as a lightning strike looks like a very brief and
powerful burst of 1 MHz RF. Poly Phaser sells a 2" wide copper strip.
for thier grounding - lots of surface area. You may be able to find
Never solder anything as part of your ground system. In a lightning
strick, a soldered joint will blow apart. Use clamps and an anti
oxidation compound or braze the system together.
I would strongly suggest that you get the Poly Phaser book before you
pour any concrete, and go with a re-bar cage Ufer ground. It is
described in the book. You can also lay ground rods horizontal right
above the rock per National Electric Code. You can call Poly Phaser for
other options. Talk to the engineers at the local radio and TV stations
to see what they are using for additional ideas.
WRT bringing the feadlines in the attic - DON'T DO IT. Follow the Poly
Phaser Book. Take the feedlines down to the base of the tower, ground
the outer sheild there. Run to the house underground. To a copper
entrance panel with the Poly Phaser lighting arrestors on it and have it
properly grounded into your ground system.
de n0yvy steve
Disclaimer - I have no connections with Poly Phaser other than buying
and installing a lot of their equipment.
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