Mon, 2 Dec 1996 15:51:39 GMT
Hello All:
Question for the tower engineers out there.
I have a 100ft self supporting Pyrod tower. At least I think it is Pyrod. It
has all the charasterics of Pyrod.. And Pyrod says they think it is one of
their's but they would need the original engineering specs they supply before
being certain. And the original owner does not have the engineering specs.
There are 5 sections, each stamped with the number 19.
The bottom section is 3' 7" at the base leg to leg. Base plates
take 6, 1 inch dia j bolts into the pad, 2 per base plate.
The legs at the base are made from 1.5 inch solid stock.
All the upright legs in all sections are made from solid stock.
The tower tapers to 1 foot leg to leg at the top.
This was a commercial radio station tower and looks extremly rugged.
The question then is:
I would like to put this tower up with a TH11DX antenna, rotor and
stacked 2 mtr 13 elem beams on top. The main mast will be 2inch stock
received direct from Hygain along with the beam. Thrust bearing will
be added at the top, rotor will be installed about 5 feet down inside
the top section. This will leave 15 feet of 2inch pipe above the top
for mounting the beams.
Living outside of Indianapolis, Ind. do you see any problems with the
height vs wind load? Or would it be advisable to only go to 80' instead
of the full 100'?
Based on the data, what suggestions do you have for size, depth
of the pad and what psi concrete should we use?
I have a tower man ready to put this together and a crane to place it
but we would like to investigate these questions before we proceed.
Best Regards and 73's
Steve Brant W9OBX
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