Rohn HDBX-48
Ed Jensen
Thu, 05 Dec 1996 13:15:52 -0600
Hi Gene,
>Who out there has information or an opinion on
>the Rohn series HDBX-48.
These are extremely stout towers that stay up under rediculous overloads.
> I'll be putting a Cushcraft A3S or
>equivalent beam on top of it. I know this
>is not recommended by Rohn because they say
>not to use anything with a boom longer that
I had a BX40, much weaker than the HDBX series, with a TH3 on it. No problems.
A friend has an HBX56 with KLM34XA, also no problems.
> I might
>guy the tower, somewhat weekly with the guy
>anchors about 10' from the tower just for
>a little extra support.
The only BX type tower I have known to fall was a guyed one. But it was
rediculously overloaded, and extended to 80 or 90 feet with straight
sections that Rohn used to sell.
> My main concern is
>the Rohn manual for the HDBX says to replace
>any loose rivets with bolts. WHAT? You mean
>to tell my the x-braced rivets might come out?
>I assume this means an annual trip up the tower
>to check out all the rivets, carrying a cordless
>drill and pocket full of nuts and bolts.
I have not personally seen missing rivets on these towers.
> How does one climb this tower with the X braces?
Get an old pair of workshoes. The sides of the shoes will quickly become
torn. You won't have has much a problem as I had on my BX since your
sections are much bigger.
73, Ed
Ed Jensen, K5ED or
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