Rotor leads
Tue, 10 Dec 1996 12:18:46 -0500

In a message dated 96-12-09 21:55:28 EST, you write:

>I have a tower located 200' from the radio shack, the tower is 125' 
>tall.  My plans are to run the leads in conduit below ground and am 
>wondering how well the rotor (TailTwister) will perform.  By the time I 
>get through running the lead for the rotor it will be approx. 350'.  
>The lead I have is 2/12 gage and 6/14 gage.  I'm hoping the voltage drop 
>won't be that much but am not sure.  Any suggestions? 
Hi, Bob --

    According to my T2X manual, the 2 - 12 ga. is good up to 500 feet and the
6 -14 ga. is good up to 800 feet.  Sounds like you're in fat city.  If you
need a manual, give Linda at Hy-Gain a call for a copy 402-465-7021.

    Yes, these rotators are very susceptible to voltage drop so it really
helps to have fat wires on them.  You may want to consider mounting the motor
starting capacitor at the rotator instead of in the control box.  

73, Steve  K7LXC

    TOWER TECH -- professional tower supplies and services for amateurs

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