Force 12 C-3 Tribander
Thu, 12 Dec 1996 16:11:54 -0500
In a message dated 96-12-12 14:30:27 EST, you write:
> I presently have a Cushcraft A3S at 40' of 25G. I was thinking
>about replacing it with a Force 12 C3 which, according to the reading I have
>done, is basically three monoband 2 element beams on 20, 15 and 10.
Hi, Jack --
The jury's still out on the C-3 but it does give increased efficiency
due to no trap loss plus 12 and 17M coverage. If I were you, I'd go for the
C-4 which is the same antenna plus a 40M element. BTW, the mechanical
advantages of the Force 12 designs are MUCH better than the Cushcraft.
>I was
>also thinking about going up another 10' with my tower. I know I should go
>higher but I'm on a small 1/4 acre lot and the tower is about 3 feet off the
>back of the house, not to mention my wife calls it the "eye sore" now.
>Anyway, does anyone have any experience with these beams and is it worth it
>to change out the A3.
I don't think another 10 feet is worth the effort. It may be more of
a psychological advantage - hi.
Unless I was going to a bigger antenna (i.e. double the boom length) or
really wanted to have 12 and 17M coverage (the C-3 still takes a tuner on
those bands), I don't think it's worth the effort of swapping the antenna
73, Steve K7LXC
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