Plymouth 85 CW
Steve Maki
Wed, 18 Dec 1996 22:07:19 -0500
>This just jogged my memory. There is (or was) another product out 'there'
>that I have found to be very useful for sealing stuff like CoaxSeal.
>I believe CoaxSeal is basically, unvulcanized rubber and I found some
>generic CoaxSeal in an unlikely place.
>One of our businesses is apartments and apartment mgmt. Years ago, we found
>some stuff which was used for sealing leaky gutters. It was in a rolled up
>sheet with a waxy paper interleaved with it. It was supposed to be placed
>inside the gutter to fix rusted out places.
>I have two rolls left. Each is about a foot wide and appoximately 6 or 7
>inches in diameter and weighs several pounds. Who needs to invest in
>Krugerands (sp?) when you have this stuff.
>Unfortunately, I can not remember the source. I think we 'inherited' it with
>one of the buildings. Does anyone have a source??
>Now don't everyone start argueing with me over the composition of this stuff
>vs. CoaxSeal. I don't care, I won't care and I never have cared. Save your
>butane. I just know it has worked great for years and is every bit as 'gooey".
>73 de Steve, NJ4F
Sounds like MiracleSeal, made by Revere Products in Cleveland, 216 573 7100.
Available in 2.5 inch wide rolls, in addition to the wide stuff.
Very similar to CoaxSeal and a lot cheaper.
I much prefer the self fusing siliconized tapes such as Plymouth Plysafe,
because they don't leave a total mess on the connector when you take it
apart. In some awkward places the CoaxSeal type product is the only way,
Steve Maki K8LX
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