Richard Thorne - WB5M
Sat, 13 Jul 1996 10:18:35 -0700

Richard Thorne - WB5M wrote:
> Thanks to KB2NY, KI6VY, and N1SR for the info that I needed on the
> dimensions for the base plate.  I'll get completed this week.
> Lucky for me theres a guy at work with all the necessary machine tools,
> lathe, welding equipment and more importantly knowledge of how to do
> it correctly so it will be a safe installation.
> Just for FYI:
>         - The plate is 24" square and is 5/16" thick.  Rohn uses 1/4"
>           plate.
>         - I'll be using solid tube stock for the stubs.
> I believe this will be more than adequate for the installation.
> I'm hoping to have the tower up by the end of September.
> 73 and thanks again.

I'm resending this note.  If its a duplicate I appologize.  When I sent
this originally the power went out and I was sure if it made it to the