paul ash pash@iag.net
Mon, 22 Jul 1996 20:03:33 -0400

My thanks to all who responded to my query regarding KT-34A beams.
For those who may have an interest in the antenna the results 
are as follows:

1. High forward gain, so-so F/B and side to side.
2. Very broadbanded, covers 10, 15 & 20m easily.
3. Relativly light, can be turned with medium rotator.
4. Compact, especially considering the gain.
5. Major pain to assemble.

Out of the dozen or so responces I received, almost all of them 
talked about how difficult the beam is to assemble. One fellow
said something about taking 35 hours to assemble it! Evidently,
the linear loading system that the antenna uses is quite effective
but is cumbersome. Thanks again for all the info and 73.