Followup - Noalox at Home Depot

Rod Fitz-Randolph
Wed, 13 Nov 1996 11:36:55 -0600

>>Several people wrote to me describing Noalox as a greenish substance that
>>contained no conductive component -- that it was merely a chemically
>>neutral grease. They explained that this material wasn't suitable for
>>antennas since it didn't improve the conductivity of the joint.
I stand corrected about Noalox.  I have received numerous messages stating
that the Noalox they have, in fact, contains zinc particles.  I was unaware
of that as the Noalox I have here is a greenish casted virtually clear
pretroleum jelly devoid of any zinc particles.  It is now obvious to me
that Noalox has more than one product on the market, just as does Penetrox
by Burndy.  Penetrox has a -a version that is made for aluminum-to-aluminum
and aluminum-to-copper and a -c version that is apparently made primarily
for copper-to-copper.

The Penetrox-a version I have here has zinc particles/chips that make very
good contact when placed under pressure with a clamp.  It has served me well.
It can be purchased in a white plastic bottle containing 8 oz of the material,
which would be a lifetime supply for most hams.  It is produced by Burndy
of Manchester, New Hampshire.  I have found it is handled by some electrical
supply houses.

I was simply unaware of any other type of Noalox than the one I have here.

73 es best DX, no matter what you use to get there, including Noalox!!!

Roderick M. Fitz-Randolph, W5HVV
79 Highland Hills Cove,
Jackson, TN 38305
(901) 661-9278 (Home Phone - after 10 AM & before 9 PM)
(901) 664-7539 (FAX Number - any time of day)

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