WARNING! Re- Summary- To
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3 Sep 1996 09:57:41 -0600
Mail*Link(r) SMTP RE>WARNING! Re: Summary: Tower Help
What about rust stains caused from a steel mast dripping rust down
the tower legs? What would be best way to clean this up? It appears
just cosmetic, but in our neighrhood, that can mean alot!
-jeff, n2mzh
> There are other coatings available for applying on towers. These are
> typically high tech epoxy coatings and other materials that give you a more
> permanent coating than cold galv. They are normally applied to towers that
> are already erected and don't meet the minimum zinc depth. These are fairly
> expensive as well as a LOT of work; you have to take all the rust off (down
> to bare metal) and then apply a primer coat before the epoxy.
> There are also materials that are rust converters; that is, they are
> applied directly on rusted metal surfaces and they actually convert the rust
> to a non-rusting substance. This gives you a tough coating and prevents
> against development of new rust. Rust-oleum and Loctite both make one of
> these products. They are relatively expensive but can be sprayed on with a
> compressor-paint sprayer or brushed on. These are also available through
> Tower Tech.
> Your annual tower inspection should include having a wire brush and can
> of cold galv so you can fix any rusty spots as you find them.
> 73, Steve K7LXC
> TOWER TECH -- professional tower supplies and services for amateurs
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From: "Jeff Janock - N2MZH" <jj@cybernex.net>
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Subject: Re: WARNING! Re: Summary: Tower Help
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