Loos Model A or B Calibration Chart

Walt Kornienko k2wk@crystal.palace.net
Thu, 26 Sep 1996 03:14:33 -0400 (EDT)

Hey all, its me again.  Can someone be so kind as to
send me the calibration chart, (guage reading -vs- tension), 
for the Model A or Model B Loos Tension Guage.  I'll be forever 
in your debt.  73 & THANX! de Walt - K2WK

*                                                               *
*                73 de Walt Kornienko - K2WK (FRC)              *
*								*
*        k2wk@crystal.palace.net  or  K2WK@N2ERH.NJ.NOAM        *
*	 Snail: 52 Sunset Inn Rd  Lafayette,  NJ   07848	*
*        201-579-1966 (home)      or 201-579-3660 (shack)	*
*                                                               *

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