[TowerTalk] G5RV
Carlos Augusto S. Pereira
Tue, 01 Apr 1997 15:44:55 -0300
Excuse me Sir I really tried to understand your entire mail! However there
are a lot of slangs not available in the dictionary. Thank you anyway! I am
sending this mail back to the reflector, perhaps someone can help me.
At 14:25 01/04/97 MST, you wrote:
> I'm no antenna expert, nor do I claim to know a whole lot about the
>ins, outs, or other technical data about the G5RV. I speak only from
>On Tue, 01 Apr 1997 14:17:20 -0300 "Carlos Augusto S. Pereira"
><csilver@riosoft.softex.br> writes:
----->"What's the meaning of snip?"
>>there is a necessity of a 32ft tower, isn't it?
> I have my G5RV strung between two trees diagonally across my entire
>property. It gently slopes from the spruce at about 25 feet to a tree of
>unknown ancestry at about 10 feet. It rests on the roof on the way at
>about 15 feet.
----->GOT IT!
>>1) Will the G5RV cover 40/80 meters with a reasonable performane?
> What's "reasonable"? I've worked 80 a bit and I know it has reached
>about 1000 miles away with only 100 watts.
>>Does it require a standard Antenna Tuner?
> From my understanding, yes. I use the automatic antenna tuner that
>goes with my Yaesu FT-757.
>>2) To raise it 10 meters up is a must? It doesn't work lower? There is
>>a limitation of 5 meters over the building's roof.
> Don't know if my antenna is SUPPOSED to be 5 meters above the roof.
>Mine isn't. Sometimes it gets hung up on a metal vent, which I know is a
>"no no".
>>3) Does it work in an inverted V configuration?
> I've heard that it does, but not well. The recommended angle is at
>least 90 deg.
----->GOT IT!
>>4) Van Gorden manufactures one like that with a transformer. Is it
> Don't know. I got mine from Antennas West. It is also fairly easy to
>build yourself. I would have built one myself but was chicken at the
>time. I've gone on to build a dipole and vertical out of junque from
>around the house.
------>"What is the meaning of chicken here. I don't believe you are a bird.":)
> Hope this helps. As I said, I'm no expert, but I do know that my
>antenna works for my extremely modest purposes. I use it for all bands
>now, but would like to get my tower up with beam for 10, 15, and 20.
> 73,
>Mary-Frances R. Bartels (((#))) ^ ^
>Amateur Radio Callsign: KI0DZ Denver, CO | ^ - ^
>"Owner and Operator" of Rudolph's Rabbit Ranch ------- (o o)
>Independent Rep. of Watkins products |ooOoo| >{ | }<
>(303) 428-5884 ki0dz@juno.com ------- " )*
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Carlos - PY1CAS
E-mail: silver@ax.apc.org
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