[TowerTalk] Lightning Protection Components
Charles H. Harpole
Thu, 10 Apr 1997 00:32:56 -0400 (EDT)
Please, do not operate radio when lightning is within hearing distance (if
you hear thunder, shut off radio and leave the area)
Here is the best advice on lightning, regardless of what engineers or
other eggspurts tell you:
When you can hear thunder, unplug all radios and all accessories from AC
(best on one central big plug), and unplug all coax and all other wires
that come from ants and rotors and all else--including ground wires!
Then, you have all your radios etc sitting completely isolated there on
your operating bench. Lightning might still get them via jumping to them
due to them being metal objects, but much less likely.
Then, you do not put your body near where the antennas terminate (maybe in
window sill?) and watch the light show from somewhere else IN the house.
ABSOLUTELY NOTHING else is as effective. Do not bother with arresters,
pill plugs devices, or whatever. Just unhook it all! This is very cheap,
And, when all the tower talk guys jump on this advice herein, ask them :
"If my radio is sitting by itself --unplugged from all outside sources--
on a table via what path does lightning get to it?"
All other lightning
methods are not as good. Leave hooked up only what must be so, i.e.,
repeaters and TV xmitters. de K4VUD
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