[TowerTalk] Plasma antenna
Patrick Croft
Tue, 29 Apr 1997 14:55:38 -0400 (EDT)
If you wish to review a patent, point your web browser to:
This is a free search engine service provided by IBM. Handy to say the least.
At 11:27 AM 4/29/97 -0700, you wrote:
>I recall hearing stories that some guys attempted to "load" the very hot
>gases that came off the trubines on some destroyer (DD963 ????). This
>attempt was made during the development of the ship in about 1971 or 1972.
>It did not work. It would be interesting to read the patent.
>> From: Doug Brandon <dab@kaiwan.com>
>> To: towertalk@contesting.com
>> Subject: [TowerTalk] Plasma antenna
>> Date: Monday, April 28, 1997 2:22 PM
>> I ran across this interesting article on a new antenna technology
>> and thought some might find it interesting. It sounds like it's only
>> good for digital transmissions, but it's definitely an interesting
>> concept.
>> 73 de Doug, N6RT
>> Patriot announces contract with Navy for plasma antenna revolutionary
>> patented antenna design
>> SAN DIEGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--April 28, 1997-- Patriot Scientific Corp
>> Monday announced the receipt of a contract from the Office of Naval
>> Research for the development of its revolutionary plasma antenna.
>> In coordination with the Navy Command Control Ocean Surveillance Center
>> in Washington, D.C., Patriot will construct and test prototypes and
>> characterize their use both as receiving and transmitting antennas.
>> An earlier prototype has shown numerous unique characteristics.
>> Patriot's technology represents a fundamental paradigm shift in antenna
>> design. Traditional antenna design employs solid wire as the active
>> element. All solid wire antennas resonate -- that is, as part of the
>> process of emitting a radio wave during operation an unwanted ringing
>> occurs which can interfere with signal processing. This ringing causes
>> clutter and often requires sophisticated signal processing to reduce
>> its effect.
>> Inventor Elwood Norris commented: "We employ an ionized gas, or plasma,
>> as the efficient conducting element of our antenna. This gas may be
>> ionized for nanoseconds, which is only the precise time needed for
>> transmission or reception, thus eliminating ringing and its associated
>> effects. This ability to emit extremely short pulses is often a critical
>> factor in many forms of digital communication."
>> The company believes the use of an ionized gas antenna element allows:
>> -- An antenna that can be dynamically reconfigured for
>> frequency, direction, bandwidth, gain and beamwidth.
>> -- When de-ionized, the antenna's radar cross-section, thus its
>> detectability, is minimal thereby exhibiting stealth qualities.
>> -- An antenna that is small and lightweight as well as
>> electronically steerable.
>> In 1996, a patent with 48 claims was issued to Patriot and for a period
>> of time the patent was classified "Secret." That status has now been
>> removed. The technology was initially developed for the company's ground
>> penetrating radar but has much broader applications.
>> Antenna Project Manager Del Kintner commented: "This is the first
>> of several we hope to secure as we move towards commercialization of this
>> new technology. For military applications, size, weight, configurability
>> and detectability are often critical factors. For commercial
>> size, weight, power and short pulse generation are key factors.
>> /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
>> Doug Brandon http://www.kaiwan.com/~dab dab@kaiwan.com
>> --
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