[TowerTalk] Phillystran & mast questions

Rick Marien marien@ix.netcom.com
Fri, 01 Aug 1997 09:09:30

	I am in the process of putting up my first tower and I have some
questions on the "duty level" needed for my situation without excess 
expense or overkill.

	My current situation:	Rohn 25G up 40'
				Short hinged base section for concrete
				concrete base measures 4'x 4'x 3'deep 
				3 screw-in guy anchors 48" x 6" auger
				Antenna: Mosley TA-34XL-WARC (21'boom 5 ele 7.7sf per sales catalog)
				Live in Dallas/Ft.Worth area

	My question is, can I safely use the HPTG2100 phillystran instead of the
HPT4000?  And concerning the mast, I'd like to use 10' carbon steel mast that
Texas Towers sells but I don't know what thickness I need .12 or maybe .18?

	Any opinions? 

	73,  Rick N5SHX																																

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