[TowerTalk] re: coax as balanced line

Jim Reid jreid@aloha.net
Fri, 01 Aug 1997 09:09:06 -1000

At 02:36 PM 8/1/97 -0500, stu wrote:
>I was wondering about the possibility or practicality of doing this
>where a long run would exist from the shack to the antenna. Cost wise it
>would be cheaper than hardline and should avoid some of the problems of
>ladderline: rain, snow, ect. Would this work at vhf, uhf, or just hf?
>Would this setup have the same losses as ladderline or somewhere between
>that & coax? Has anyone tried using 4 lines for 50 ohms or the 2 line
>100 ohm setup, if so were you using RG-8 or RG-58 size cable & how were
>you terminating it? Thanks for your ideas.
>73' Steve KG8TX

Yes,  it works fine;  and is described in both the 16th and 17th editions
of the ARRL Antenna Book, Chap 24.  In the 16th edition see page 24-21
and Fig. 27 of that chapter; in the 17th edition the same info
is on pg 24-18 and the figure is number 23 on the page.  RF characteristics
loss decreases and impedance results are also discussed,  examples

Good luck,

73,  Jim, KH7M

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