[TowerTalk] thoughts on the Yaesu G-1000SDX

Jeff Singer js@netusa.net
Sat, 02 Aug 1997 03:31:44 +0100

Dave - 

I've had the Yaesu 1000SDX, and now currently use the G2800 with my KLMs
(4-el 40 on 42 ft boom & kt34xa above it). I have never had one of these
rotors fail, and the control boxes look and work great in the shack.

That being said, the truth is that if you are not willing to pin the
mast with a stainless steel bolt (or better), get a diffrent rotor. The
mast plates are incapable of holding anything more than a small yagi.

I've had my antennas spin all over the place without pins, and there's
no point keeping them that way to "save" the rotor, 'cause the Yaesu
will rarely break under the strain. I've also had to replace sheared
pins, but not if they're stainless. Still holding my array in place at
over 50 mph.

73 de Jeff K2KV

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